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Who We Are

The Wilson Foundation is a volunteer-run, registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization that exists to provide vital support to the children, families, teachers, administrators, and staff of Wilson Elementary School in Norman, Oklahoma. 


As the only nonprofit in Norman organized for this purpose, the Wilson Foundation will carry out its mission in a variety of ways. Such mechanisms include, but are not limited to:


* Aiding children in meeting basic needs by supplying food and clothing, or providing higher order assistance, such as tutoring, counseling, school supplies, or college scholarships.


* Supporting families by helping with utility bills or meeting basic needs of other family members, such as children younger than school age.


* Aiding the teachers/administrators/staff by providing supplies or wish-list items, travel expenses to or registration fees for required conferences.


* Coordinating other support efforts intended to benefit the children, families, teachers, administrators, and staff of Wilson Elementary School.

Wilson Elementary School, Norman, OK

Board of Directors

Larry Toothaker

Larry Toothaker (President), is a retired David Ross Boyd Professor of Psychology at OU. He holds degrees in math from the University of Nebraska and educational psychology from the University of Wisconsin. Larry bas been an elder at Trinity Baptist Church for twenty years. He enjoys woodworking and has had the privilege of building a few items for Wilson Elementary. He also enjoys traveling with his wife to spend time with their children and grandchildren.

Sherry Garner

Sherry Garner is a faithful volunteer at Wilson Elementary working in Kindergarten. She also serves Wilson through organizing teacher lunches, student Christmas gifts, family Thanksgiving baskets, and more through Trinity Baptist Church. She holds a bachelor of science degree from Southeast Missouri State University where she majored in Business Administration and Accounting. For more than 35 years, Sherry worked in the finance department in the medical field. She is now enjoying retirement alongside her husband.

Alana LaFon

Alana LaFon (Secretary) holds a bachelor of science degree from Texas A&M University where she majored in elementary education. She has certifications in early childhood education, elementary education, and English as a second language. As a former teacher with Oklahoma City Public Schools, Alana understands how hard teaching in a low-income neighborhood can be. She is passionate for the mission of the Wilson Foundation and proud to be a part of it. She now enjoys being home with her husband and two sons plus any foster children she has the privilege to love.

Abigail Blackford

Abigail Blackford is a teacher with Epic Charter Schools and was previously a teacher in a low-income neighborhood in Oklahoma City. She holds a degree in elementary education from the University of Oklahoma and has certifications in elementary education, mid-level math, and mid-level science. Abigail lives in the neighborhood of Wilson Elementary and is able to serve Wilson in various ways through the Wilson Foundation as well as through Trinity Baptist Church. Abigail enjoys doing cosplay in her free time.

John Kiosterud

John Kiosterud is a financial advisor at a local investment firm and is the current treasurer of the Norman Tips Club. He holds math and accounting degrees from East Central University and is a member of Kiwanis. He is a board member of Community Service Building Inc. and has a passion for servicing families and youth in his local area. John enjoys running and spending time with his family.


Brianna Norman is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and has been with the Central Oklahoma Community Mental Health Center since 2008. She holds both a bachelor's and a master's degree in social work from the University of Oklahoma. She works regularly with Norman Public Schools as she coordinates all outpatient mental health services for children and their families at COCMHC. She regularly works with families who experience a variety of challenges across many domains of life. In her free time, Brianna bowls with family and friends. She also coordinates the youth bowling program at Sooner Bowl and runs a variety of bowling tournaments across the state and region alongside her family.

Registered Nonprofit Number : 83-3075745

© 2023 by The Wilson Foundation. 

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