Support Us

The Wilson Foundation is currently 100% privately funded. As such, community support in the form of volunteers is essential to the success of our mission. Reach out today for more information on how you can help with the work of The Wilson Foundation.
Funding for the Wilson Foundation is provided by private donations. Any funds received will be used to support our mission. The members of the Board of Directors all serve as volunteers, as do the members of any committee under our direction. All of your gift will go directly to supporting the education, students, and families at Wilson Elementary.
In Person or By Mail
If you'd like to make your donation in person, gifts can be taken to Trinity Baptist Church and left In Care Of The Wilson Foundation.
801 N Peters Ave
Norman, OK 73069
By Phone
Text WILSON to 53-555 to donate via text.
If you'd prefer to call to set up a donation, please call Wilson Foundation President, Dr. Larry Toothaker at 405-627-1235.